Allegedly from: gumbdall waterson
"im in the thick of it"
Why Do We Divide Ourselves? What madness grips the human soul, that we divide ourselves by the colors of our skin or the schools of our thought? Is the blood that courses through our veins not the same hue? Do we not share the same capacity for reason, the same mortal condition, the same aspiration to live in peace? Yet, we cling to hatreds—hatreds born of ignorance and nursed by fear. Some despise the black man for the shade of his skin, as though nature herself has erred in her artistry. Others scorn the white man for his perceived privilege, as if one’s birth determined the worth of one’s soul. And there are those who deride the Stoic, the philosopher who seeks only wisdom and virtue, as though reason itself were a threat. What folly! Can you not see? To hate another for their race or their creed is to strike blindly at the unity of humankind. What is the color of virtue? What is the race of wisdom? Neither black nor white, neither Roman nor foreigner—virtue and wisdom are universal, belonging to all who pursue them. Consider this: when a man is unjustly wronged, does he not bleed? When a woman is insulted for her heritage, does her dignity not cry out for vindication? What separates us in these moments is trivial; what binds us is profound. For we are all made of the same stuff—born from the earth, destined to return to it, our souls but fragments of a greater whole. To hate another for their race is to dishonor yourself. To despise a man for his philosophy is to reject reason itself. And to carry these hatreds is to burden your own soul, for what does hatred produce but strife, and what does strife yield but suffering? You who hold prejudice in your heart, pause and reflect: does the universe share your disdain? Does it favor one hue of skin over another? Does it reject the pursuit of wisdom? No, the cosmos cares not for our petty divisions. It operates by its own harmonious laws, offering life to all without judgment. Let us then live in accordance with nature, which makes no distinction between black and white, Stoic and skeptic. Let us treat one another as kin, not adversaries. For what greater folly is there than to sever the very bonds that sustain us? Marcus Tullius Cicero, in his eloquence, spoke of justice as the foundation of society. Shall we then trample upon this foundation by practicing injustice? And I, with all my might, have sought to lead not through division, but through unity. Shall we now discard such wisdom, turning instead to hatred and discord? Rid yourselves of this poison that corrodes the soul, dims the mind, and fractures the world. Look not to the surface, but to the essence. The black man, the white man, the philosopher—they are all your brothers. And in treating them justly, you honor not only them, but yourself and the order of the cosmos. Let us rise above these petty hatreds. Let us strive together for virtue, for wisdom, for unity. For in embracing one another, we embrace the very essence of humanity—and in doing so, we become whole.